Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Reaction: Just Like Heaven

Ok - houston we have a problem....It's only been 3 days and Sean is revolting. Now granted, maybe not the BEST plot I have ever heard...but Sean was not pleased with Just Like Heaven.
Here is his response:
Just like watching paint dry.. that’s about how engaging this movie was. Seriously people. I know we’re only on movie #3 of 15, but I’ve been a good sport so far… this movie, on the other hand… is straight up ridiculous. Reese Witherspoon is brought out of a coma by some guys love.. but only after her “spirit” haunted him. I found a lesson in this one (but only because I was looking for one)…

To quote the great philosopher Kris Allen… we gotta “live like we’re dying.” Reese’s character is so consumed with work that she has little time for anything else… and then she’s involved in a nearly fatal car accident. Balance and time management are things that we all struggle with… in our relationships with others and in our relationships with God too. I make time for re-runs of the office and time for Facebook, but I’m often “too busy” to serve others or I’m “too busy” to call and encourage that friend who needs it. I think women (and men, for that matter) relate to this movie because it bears a message of second chances and of the importance of living a balanced life.. which is something both men and women battle.
Movie Rating: I give it a B - Sean - he refuses to grade it...said it deserves worse than a failing grade
Kleenex: yeah he didn't cry...I think I did the first time :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh dude, I LOVED this movie! Another good lesson is to keep an open mind about who crosses your path - could the very person God put there to help you overcome the desperation you're shackled by - ...and the way God works, you'll probably be the perfect answer to that other someone's prayers as well! I'd give it a B too - if you ever get into chick flicks, this one's pretty good. (and I'm a guy) : )
