I think we did it! I think he may have liked it....let's get Sean's opinion on our very last chick flick.
Our last movie? Ready yourself…
Get ready to take my man-card -- I loved it! This film was the antithesis of all the movies I struggled to get through.. it was real! Throughout this challenge I found myself thinking “this would never happen in real life” and rolling my eyes a lot, but this movie was heart-warming, inspirational, and did I mention – real!?! I laughed, I cried, and even felt suspense.. I didn’t know what that wacky Sally Field was gonna do next J Ok, just kidding about that last part.
Why do women like this movie? …Probably for the same reason I do! I see it as a tribute to strong women everywhere. That being said, behind every strong woman in this movie.. was a loving, supportive man J
Good choice for a closer, ladies. Well done.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Reaction: Steel Magnolias
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Last One!! Movie #15
Reaction: Sleepless in Seattle
I feel like I should start by saying.. I'm chick-flicked out. I think if I would've watched this movie on your average Wednesday night, I would've enjoyed it more than I did. For the 2nd night in a row, we have a man who has lost his wife...and he (or at least his character) is irresistible to women. Do women like men who are grief stricken? Do women like men who they feel sorry for? Or is it that the emotional vulnerability that goes along with losing a spouse? There's even an episode of Seinfeld about this.. Jerry does a sociological experiment and pretends to be a widower? And guess what.. he, again is irresistible to women.. what gives? I don't have the answer, but I sure do have lots of questions...
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Movie #14: Sleepless in Seattle
Reaction: Return to Me
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Movie 13: Return to Me
Reaction: My Life
Monday, March 22, 2010
Movie #12 My Life
This may not be one you have heard of - I saw it in high school...I know - this makes me old.
If you asked me what movie made me cry the hardest...it would be this one. I still can't think of a time I cried harder during a movie...so sad.
It may be hard to find - I wrangled it up on netflix...but it is worth the trouble - so good.
Hopefully Sean feels the same way :)
If you would like to watch this movie - it stars Michael Keaton and Nicole Kidman...enjoy
Reaction: 500 Days of Summer
Friday, March 19, 2010
Movie #11 500 Days of Summer
Reaction: Everybody's Fine
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Movie #10: Everybody's Fine
Is this a chick flick? That is a good question. I think it is - it is a new movie - out in theaters over Christmas and we wanted a "little known" movie on the schedule.
Sean is watching Everybody's Fine tonight - I know March Madness is upon us so your tv may be booked for the next few weeks...but if you can squeeze it in - you may really enjoy this movie.
Reaction: The Proposal
I knew Sean would like this flick...it has Betty White - of course he is going to dig it...
Though there are take aways in this movie...both things to do and things not to do....overall it was a good movie and Sean's review follows:
I like Sandra Bullock. I love Betty White. So, naturally… this movie gets an A+ in my book. This is quite possibly the most “guy friendly” chick flick in our challenge so far… And there are a multitude of lessons one can extract from this film, but none quite so obvious as (drum roll please)… HONESTY! Sandra Bullock’s character is about to be deported.. and to prevent that, she pretends to be engaged to Ryan Reynolds character. They have to convince both the immigration folks and their families of their “love.” As is often the case… one lie just leads to another. The Bible says “the truth will set you free.” – obviously the ultimate truth of Christ will set you free… but even beyond that, simply being honest with those we’re in relationship with – that will set you free too. By the time the movie is over, the characters seem to be completely imprisoned by all of their lies. Just as there often is in life.. there’s a breaking point in the film where the truth comes out.. and fortunately in this case, there’s forgiveness and reconciliation – and while you always hope for that in real life.. it’s not guaranteed. I came up with a phrase that we can all walk away with.. and it even rhymes. Ready? Here it is.. “honest is the best policy.” Ok, so maybe I didn’t come up with that, but whatevs… it’s good!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Movie #9 The Proposal
Reaction: Win a Date with Tad Hamilton
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Movie #8 WIn a Date with Tad Hamilton
Reaction: Dan in Real Life!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Movie #7 Dan in Real Life
Some have said today's movie choice is not a chick flick - I have to disagree.
Any movie that can make me cry and laugh and get all weepy - I have to put it in the chick flick category :)
If you haven't seen it....Dan in real life is a great story of family and love and more - :)
Grab some cake (I want cake) and enjoy the movie :) We will discuss it in the mornin'!
Bye Kittens!
Reaction: Fever Pitch!
Ladies and Gentlemen...we have a winner!
Sean liked Fever Pitch - maybe it was his love of baseball...or his seriously like of Jimmy Fallon... either way - Sean says Fever Pitch is a winner and here is his response on the film:
Of all the movies I’ve seen as a part of our chick-flick challenge so far.. this is my favorite! I laughed out loud several times and even got misty eyed once.
Jimmy Fallon’s character is an obsessed Boston Red Sox fan… so obsessed that it negatively affects his relationship with Drew Barrymore’s character. His actions seem to indicate that he values his beloved baseball team more than he values her… Perhaps with the exception of God, most women probably wouldn’t respond well to a man placing things or people above her – and rightly so. There’s nothing wrong with being passionate about baseball or any other hobby, but it seems to me that God is most passionate about people.. and so that’s what we should be most passionate about too.
Jimmy Fallon’s character is a teacher and he gets a little nugget of advice from one of his students that causes him to change his course… the student says something to the effect of “You love the Red Sox so much, but have they ever loved you back?” At this point in the film, he decides to sell his Red Sox season tickets. The girl, realizing that he’s willing to sacrifice the tickets for her… stops him from doing it. So, you have Fallon’s character saying… you’re more important to me than a baseball game and I want to sell the tickets for you.. and you have Barrymore’s character saying.. I know how important the Red Sox are to you – don’t sell your tickets. IT’s really a beautiful picture of 1 Corinthians 13 which says… Love cares more for others than for self… It’s both parties looking out for each others interests… it’s both parties showing a willingness to compromise… and that’s key to a healthy relationship.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Movie #6 Fever Pitch
Reaction: Confessions of a Shopaholic
There are obvious overtones about contentment. The main character is trying to fill some void in her life with material possessions... and yet with each purchase she seems to feel less and less satisfied. It's almost as if she's searching for acceptance and she thinks she'll get it if she wears the right clothes or has just the right look. What the character fails to realize is that true friends will accept you for you you are.. no matter what you wear, what kind of car you drive, or how you look. They like you for you and not for who you want them to think you are.
The movie also made me think of one of my favorite songs that we play on Air 1.. "God Shaped Hole" by Plumb. We all have this God shaped hole in our lives and as the song says.. it's a void that only He can fill. Trying to fill it with other things just leads to pain and frustration.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Movie #5 Confessions of a Shopaholic
Ok don't tell Sean...but I am not sure he is going to like this flick. I thought it was cute - and there is an obvious lesson - and yes I cried (remember - I cry at Mighty Ducks...my opinion shouldn't count) but it is a TOTAL girl movie - 100%...hopefully he can make it through :)
Tonight's movie is Confessions of a Shopaholic. It is a fairly recent release. If you have netflix - it is available as an instant view on your computer - that is how I watched it a few weeks ago. Sean taped it from the tv so he is ready for a fun night...maybe!
Join us for day #5 of Sean and Mandy's Chick Flick Challenge!!
Reaction: You've Got Mail
This movie got TONS of great feedback...and since it is considered a "classic" (that makes me feel old...so we are not going to say that) we decided to give it a try.
What was Sean's reaction? Read his response:
It reminds me of the adage… “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Meg Ryan’s character seems to have a strong disdain for Tom Hanks’ character because of his title.. because of his label (he’s owner of the big book store that’s forcing hers to close)… but once she gets to know him, she appreciates his character and actually falls in love with him. So, here’s the question/challenge for us… Are there people who we toss aside or write off because of their label? Are there people who we seem to have disdain for? People in the Bible were like this.. they wrote off tax collectors, lepers, etc… Jesus, on the other hand didn’t judge a book by its cover.. he didn’t judge these people based on their labels. Maybe it’s not a label.. maybe it’s taking the initiative to forgive and really get to know someone who has hurt you – and just like Meg Ryan’s character, you might be pleasantly surprised by what you find.
Movie Rating: I think this one gets an A...I think anything with Meg and Tom should get an A
Kleenex Rating: 1 tissue...yep Sean got a lil teary near the end - you try not to cry when Meg and Tom realize their love - I dare ya! :)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Movie #4: You've Got Mail
This movie was given GREAT reviews from our facebook friends - and I think this will be a new one to both of us....loved Sleepless in Seattle - does that mean I will like this one too?
I think these two have great chemistry - so looking forward to it on my end....Sean??....not so much. I think he is a little gun shy after yesterday's debacle of a movie - but as always - there are lessons to be learned from chick flicks and our job is to find those lessons - while enjoying the cuteness that is Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan
Reaction: Just Like Heaven
To quote the great philosopher Kris Allen… we gotta “live like we’re dying.” Reese’s character is so consumed with work that she has little time for anything else… and then she’s involved in a nearly fatal car accident. Balance and time management are things that we all struggle with… in our relationships with others and in our relationships with God too. I make time for re-runs of the office and time for Facebook, but I’m often “too busy” to serve others or I’m “too busy” to call and encourage that friend who needs it. I think women (and men, for that matter) relate to this movie because it bears a message of second chances and of the importance of living a balanced life.. which is something both men and women battle.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Movie #3: Just Like Heaven
Reaction: Fried Green Tomatoes
Last night it was Fried Green Tomatoes. FGT, as we like to call it, was one of my favorite chick flicks growing up and I wanted to see what Sean's reaction would be to a movie about 4 southern ladies and their journey thru struggles and triumphs...here is his response:
It turns out the movie is better than the food. I mean that. Have you ever had Fried Green Tomatoes? Disgusting!
Here's what I learned... The elderly lady at the end summed it up -- "The most important thing in life is friends." I'd broaden that and say the most important thing in life is relationships.. with God, with friends, with family...
Also.. in the movie, Kathy Bates chooses to invest in this nursing home resident and it changes her life. How many opportunites have I been presented with in my life to invest in someone.. and I've failed to do it? There are opportunities/people around us every day... people who may enrich our lives or whose lives we may enrich. I actually felt challenged after watching this chick flick.
Movie Rating? Another Solid B
Kleenex Rating? Sean did not cry in this movie...very shocked by that - I cried several times...but I have cried at Mighty Ducks before so my opinion should not be weighted that heavily. :)
Monday, March 8, 2010
Movie #2 Fried Green Tomatoes
Reaction: Love Happens
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Movie #1 "Love Happens"
Tonight we are watching "Love Happens"!